Big Guns Pinball Machine (Williams, 1987)


Manufacturer: Williams
Year: 1987
Condition: Fully Refurbished

+Free delivery and installation

Big Guns Pinball Machine For Sale


Big Guns make you a hero!
You have the task of freeing the princess from the evil King Tyrant and his warlords who kidnapped her. Big Guns is a medieval space-themed pinball machine from October 1987, manufactured by Williams Electronic Games, Inc. Some unique features on this machine include 4 flippers, 3 balls multiball, 2 cannons, and a backbox animation (a captive ball is shot into a bagatelle for a bonus score). This machine has been completely upgraded with LED’s and rubber parts. The scenery combines the Middle Ages with modern weapons and occurs in space. So all the ingredients for an exciting battle. To avoid falling in battle, you have the opportunity to become invincible. So you can protect your bullet against going out on both sides, as well as by a ball stopper between the two lower flipper fingers. Now you are ready, and the battle can begin!

The playing field has no batter towers that can slow down the ball run and convinces with another feature that experienced a renaissance in Big Guns: the animated baking glass! In Big Guns it is the “King Chambers,” the king’s chamber, where extra balls await the player as a reward when he is stormed. The Big Guns is also one of the tallest flippers ever built, with a proud height of 2.06 meters.
To capture the fortress, you must use the catapults. Load them with balls to get a 3-multiball. The two large cannons to the left and right of the playing field give the “Big Guns” their name at the same time. Once you have made it into the castle, all you have to do is overcome the guards and finally free the princess from the dungeon.


Pinball Revivall has successfully shipped machines all over the USA. Due to rising shipping costs, we offer a flat rate shipping of $399 but may be lower for locations from NYC to Washington, DC.

This machine comes with a 1-year warranty.

This machine has gone through a complete restoration process.

The link above has detailed information on this pin. Full mechanical restoration

This Big Guns pinball machine is in excellent playing condition



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Big Guns Pinball Machine For SaleBig Guns Pinball Machine (Williams, 1987)
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