Tales from the Crypt Pinball Machine For Sale
Get ready to shop for spooky fun with the Tales from the Crypt Pinball Machine for sale, a 1993 Data East classic! This horror-themed machine features the Crypt Keeper’s voice, multiball modes, and a rising tombstone toy. This Data East classic features 3 flippers, ramps, spinning targets, and 3- and 6-ball multiball modes, a unique door handle autoplunger, captive ball, and drop targets for a frightfully fun experience.
Manufacturer: Data East Pinball Inc
Year of construction: 1993
Quantity: 4500
Features: 4 zombies, 3-6x multiball, video animation, 360° & 180° ramp, shaking motor, moving gravestone
Beautiful all-black light with custom powder coat that changes colors
New power board
Titan black lights and black light rubbers also color DMD.
New set of mirrored blades
All new sets of plastics
Alternate trans light
color DMD
LEDs and sound mod
Solid Cabinet Condition
TALES FROM THE Cryptopt (TFTC) “No Pay’em No Game”, you are greeted in a shrill voice by the Cryptkeeper, a half-decayed zombie, who asks from somewhere in the depths that you should please insert coins to experience the stories from the crypt live. Ironic, macabre, and gothic cult, united in the design of the excellent Data (B)east pinball machine. An antique door knocker as a ball launcher and entrance to the cemetery where the Cryptkeeper tells his stories about the dead and how they died. Gouged-out eyes that stare at you during the game and guillotines that you have to shoot down with precision. An electric chair and a retractable gravestone for a 6-fold multiball lock-in make the playground of horror shake when the zombies rise from the dead. Horror-themed dot-matrix animations, accompanied by the Cryptkeeper’s macabre sayings, provide fun, excitement, goosebumps, fear, and panic. Hey! It’s just a game and should actually be a movie.
Dimensions (H x W x D): approx. 190 cm x 70 cm x 140 cm
Weight (kg): 125.00 kg
Pinball Revivall has successfully shipped machines all over the USA. Due to rising shipping costs, we offer a flat rate shipping of $399 but may be lower for locations from NYC to Washington, DC.
This machine comes with a 1-year warranty.
This machine has gone through a complete restoration process.
The link above has detailed information on this pin. Full mechanical restoration